Іноземна мова

Учитель: Умерова Наталья Николаевна

Учебник: English 11, Oksana Karpiuk
почта: kram.osh35@gmail.com
Тема №1:
 Read the text and write how you understand - independent language learning;
 ex.3,p.23(match and translate);
Learn 1st conditionals and write ex.4,5,p.28;
Match the words and translate ex.3,p.30;
Read the text of ex.4,p.35-36 and write your ideas.

Присылать ответы, указывая предмет англ. яз.

Тема №2:
ex .4, p.47( match and translate);
ex.4, p.55 ( answer the questions)
Write your ideas about taking a gap year in Ukraine
Write the CV using ex.4,p.68 as the example.
Write an essay about your plans for future.

Тема №3:
ex.1, p.74 ( answer the questions),
ex.3, p.81 (write);
ex.5,6 p.82 (write);
Write about your relationship with parents.
Write the lists of the ways to describe successful and unsuccessful relationships.
ex.3, p.97-98 ( write a formal letter using p.94 and ex.2, p.96 as an example)

 Тема №4:
ex.1, p.102( answer the questions),
ex.3, p.107 (write);
Learn the rule p.108 and p.285-286 then write ex.2, p.108-109,
ex.5, p.110( a) transform the sentences into direct speech; b) report the dialogues);
Write about your visit to a restaurant or cafe.
Make a project(presentation) of your restaurant( write its name and make the menu),
ex.5, p.128( write a report  using ex.2, p.124-125)

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